Rultract Incorporated is dedicated to continuing education for our customers. We have an extensive library of instructional videos for you to review and gain a clear understanding how the Rultract Skyhook System works for a variety of surgical procedures.
Additionally, Rultract Inc. has partnered with Pemco University to offer continuing education credits for sterile processing professionals through IAHCSMM. Go to for the current course listings.
If you have a specific question and would like a live video response, please fill out the contact form or submit an appointment request via the links in the right sidebar.
The use of non OEM parts and unauthorized service technicians by third party repair facilities can affect equipment safety, reliability and the regulatory status of your device. These actions can put the hospital, patient and OR staff at risk.
Rultract reserves the right to refuse to service or sell replacement pieces/parts for equipment that has exceeded its recommended safe use life span or has no factory authorized service history in the last 2 years. (or purchased prior to October 1, 2013 with no known service history).
Continuing educational courses for sterilie processing department professionals via IAHCSMM. Click the link to register and get your
complimentary eduational credits sponsored by Rultract Incorporated.